Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Our big goal this weekend was to finish the fireplace and chimney... which we did, and had our small first fire on Columbus Day night... very exciting, we now have a heat source!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Peaceful day at work

What its like working outside on our house while Stuck in Neutral is having a band practice inside the house:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Working on living

We had a great summer, though admittedly doing more gardening, biking, sailing and painting than working on the house. Here's a few updates, more work to happen soon!

Our anniversary dinner on the porch:

A tiny bit more siding and a new metal roof:


Beach days at OOB:

Did you know artichoke flowers are so beautiful? (the cheap camera just doesn't do it justice):

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Cedar shakes, red board and batten...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brise Soleil

We just finished building the "brise soleil" over the kitchen window and back door. This short roof is intended to block high angle summer sun from overheating the house, while allowing in low angle winter sun to passive heat the concrete floor.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Windows & trim

The windows and doors are almost all in - starting on the trimwork! Note the "insta-buffer" in the background. We took a weekend off to install a bunch of balsam firs and rhododendrons with pachysandra as groundcover... it'll be beautiful someday!

Does it seem like only one person is working here?
Thanks Erik for all your help!
Sam taped the roof (I think mostly to get long strips of paper for his "May pole"). He also spread new soil, planted grass seeds in our worn lawn, and then protected it with very colorful fencing!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sculpture in the Garden

Metal and rock... a natural balance.

Imagine a tall metal sunflower blowing in the wind, set in a granite rock grounded in a garden of flowers.

I wish I knew a geologist and metal works artist who could craft such a thing.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Galvalume is an Energy Star rated roofing material, with significant recycled content, durable for a very long service life, and recyclable at end of life. Many thanks to Holgerson Roofing for working on our dangerously high roof... super nice guys to spend a couple of days with. They even picked up all the metal scraps and tiny shavings from our yard to be recycled again for use on a future roof!

We really like the roof because it changes daily, taking on the colors of the sky.

Thank you too Erik, for helping us install the windows!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Deep laceration, lower left extremity

First jobsite injury that involved a trip to the emergency room... the family voted against posting a photo of the wound as it is a tiny bit gruesome. But now, after a few deep stiches and about 8 or so external stitches, Brad is all better!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring days

We welcomed the warm and sunny first days of spring playing music...

installing the first two windows...

building a flared sitting wall...

adding old trailer stairs...(why???)

...and relaxing on the beach.